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Lensic 360

The Cactus Blossoms

at Fusion - 708 Room

Time: 7:30pm     Day: Monday     Doors: 6:30pm     Ages: All Ages     Price: $20



MEMBER PRE-SALE: Wed, Jan 29, 10 am

PUBLIC SALE: Fri, Jan 31, 10 am

Santa Fe fans, The Cactus Blossoms are also playing Tumbleroot on April 15!

For online ticketing sales & support, contact support@holdmyticket.com or call 1-877-466-3404.
For in-person sales, visit the Lensic box office


SEATING: Limited

ADA: Yes, please speak to a Tumbleroot team member

PARKING: Yes, at the venue




At its best, harmony duo singing can transform simple math into a magic trick. One plus one, instead of equaling two, suddenly yields an unexpected third thing. An upper-case ONE. A universal hum. A deep vibration that encompasses two different points of view. On their latest release, Every Time I Think About You, brothers Jack Torrey and Page Burkum, aka The Cactus Blossoms, once again prove themselves to be among the most adept – and distinctive – modern practitioners of that magic. But like any great magician, The Cactus Blossoms can’t – or won’t – fully explain the illusion they create.

“Harmonies are a big part of our sound, but in some ways they’re the part we focus on the least,” says Burkum. “We put most of our attention and energy into the songs themselves and then the harmonies just happen.”

There’s all kinds of magic happening on Every Time I Think About You, a record that sounds more like a band than any other in the Cactus Blossoms discography, thanks to contributions from Jeremy Hanson (drums), Jacob Hanson (guitar) and Phillip Hicks (bass). “There She Goes” casts its romantic regret against a danceable bop beat, and the title track is a heart-wrencher about loss and letting go.

“Even if you don’t set out to write songs with a theme in mind it seems like one usually presents itself,” says Torrey. “This record keeps returning to the idea of ‘moving on’ — from one place to another, from people and situations that bring you down, from loss and grief.”

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